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Access school student records

Guidance on how to access student records from government or non-government schools, including enrolment details.

Access your Victorian primary and secondary school records and reports

You can access your school record, which includes details of your enrolment in a school. If you are seeking school reports (for prep - year 10) and the school is open, you will need to contact the school directly. If the school has changed names or has merged with another school, you will need to contact the school.

Use the Find my School map to see if the school is still open and find their contact information.

You must provide identification as the student requesting the records. This can be a current drivers licence or health care card. You must show both sides of the card.

If a government school is closed, merged or has changed names, contact the Archives and Records branch via email: and they will be able to assist you if they hold the records for the closed school.

Please provide:

  • your full name (as it would have appeared at the time of attendance at school)
  • date of birth
  • photo identification
  • school(s) name
  • years of attendance, and year/form levels

Please bear in mind that primary school reports may no longer be available. Prior to November 2022, primary school reports were only required to be kept for 6 years after a student exited the school, after which time the school was legally permitted to dispose of the record.

If you think a record may contain information about the health, welfare or details of another person, you must submit a Freedom of Information request instead.

Access another person’s record

You must:

  1. get their permission in writing, including a date and signature
  2. get their identification: a current driver's licence or health care card (both sides of the card)
  3. contact the Archives and Mail services team via email:

Please also include:

  • their full name (as it would have appeared at the time of attendance at school)
  • date of birth
  • school(s) name
  • years of attendance, and year/form levels

If you can’t get this information, submit a Freedom of Information request.

Request records from Victorian non-government schools

Contact the school first. If the school has closed, contact either Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools or Independent Schools Victoria.

The Public Record Office Victoria also holds some closed non-government school records.

Guidance on the Public Records Act 1973

All Victorian government school records are subject to the Public Records Act 1973 and the disposal standards issued under the act.

Depending on when you attended school, it’s possible the only existing record will be a record of enrolment.

Obtain copies of your VCE results

To obtain results for years 11 and 12 please, contact the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).
Website: Order replacement results and certificates (

Access your Registered Training Organisation or TAFE results

To obtain records from an RTO or TAFE, contact the institution directly. If the institution is no longer open, you can contact the VRQA:
