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Student reports and parent-teacher conferences

Reports and parent-teacher conferences let you know how your child is going at school.

Student reports

Student reports are usually given out at the end of terms 2 and 4. You should receive at least 2 reports each year.

In government schools from prep to year 10, the report will show your child's progress on the Victorian Curriculum F-10. This includes:

  • where your child is on the learning continuum (the levels used to measure learning)
  • how they're progressing to meet the next level of achievement
  • where they need to improve and what the next steps are.

For English, mathematics and science, the report will also show how your child is learning compared to other children.

Parent–teacher conferences

This is a meeting with your child's teachers. The meeting is to:

  • meet and get to know each other
  • build a positive relationship
  • share information about your child's interests and learning
  • talk more in-depth about your child's student report.

Parent–teacher conferences are valuable. They can help the teacher understand more about your child. You can also learn where you can help your child in their learning.

Your school will let you know when they hold conferences and how to register.

You can also ask for a conference at other times. If you're concerned about your child's progress, contact the school to make an appointment.

Before the conference

  • Read through your child's report and think about what you want to discuss.
  • Write a list of questions you want to ask the teacher.
  • Ask your child if there are any questions they would like you to ask, or if there is anything they would like you to tell the teacher.
  • Ask your child what they think the teacher is going to tell you.
  • Think about anything you'd like to tell the teacher. For example, if there have been changes that have had an impact on your child.
  • If you need a translator, ask the school to organise this before the conference.
  • If your child has started prep and has a transition statement, you may want to bring it along.

During the conference

  • If you want to ask about a specific thing, let the teacher know at the start of the conference.
  • Write down answers to your questions so you can share them with your child.
  • Ask about how your child is enjoying school and taking part in class.
  • Ask about any behaviour issues.
  • Let the teacher know any information you think they need about your child.
  • You and the teacher may create a plan with next steps.
  • If you're unsure about anything, ask the teacher to explain further.

After the conference

  • Keep in regular contact with the teacher to follow up on your agreed plan.
  • Talk with your child about what you discussed. Talk about ways you can work together to improve their learning.
