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Tutor Learning Initiative: extra learning support for your child

To give extra support to students, the Victorian Government has provided a further $258.4 million to extend the Tutor Learning Initiative for 2023, allowing Victorian schools to retain the tutors who gave such profound support to students throughout 2021 and 2022.

The Tutor Learning Initiative will make sure that children who need extra, targeted learning support can get the help they need in 2023. Support is available for children who need it most across all year levels.

The tutors provide targeted teaching to their students. This may involve taking part in small group learning in a class setting or outside of regular class.

Schools select tutors based on the needs of their students and the tutor’s area of expertise. Numeracy and literacy are foundational skills, so schools are focusing on helping children with skills in these key areas.

Your child’s school will manage how best to put the learning support in place.

Access to the Tutor Learning Initiative

Your child’s school will identify if your child needs extra support.

Guidance has been provided to schools on how to identify and assess students who may need extra help. This will make sure that children who will benefit most from small group learning are selected to take part.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s engagement in learning, you should contact your child's school.

Duration of support

If the school selects your child for tutor support, it will decide how often and for how long they need it.

In determining this, the school will assess your child’s learning and progress. This means your child may get support for:

  • a number of weeks
  • a few months or longer
  • at different points throughout the year as different learning needs are identified.

Tutoring is likely to take place over 3 sessions a week, but this may be different from school to school. Schools will time the tutoring sessions based on the learning needs of the students.

When and where tutoring takes place

Learning support takes place before, after or during school hours at your child’s school.

This will help make sure there are minimal disruptions to your child’s normal learning schedule or other school activities are not disrupted.
